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Meet the Authors

Healing Mind, Body, & Soul:
Recovering from the Trauma of Addiction.

This compilation is made possible by all of the amazing people below!


by Guy Felicella

Meet Guy Felicella, a remarkable international speaker and passionate advocate for drug policy reform from Vancouver, Canada. Guy's journey is a testament to human resilience, beginning at age 12 when he grappled with trauma, an undiagnosed learning disability, and emotional pain, leading him to drugs and alcohol and shaping the next two decades of his life. Residing in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, he endured homelessness, institutional confinement, gang affiliations, severe health issues, and numerous overdoses. Yet, his story evolves into one of transformation and hope over a decade of recovery. Today, he utilizes his platform to advocate for trauma therapy, harm reduction, improved treatment access, and reformed drug policies, serving as an inspiration and unwavering voice for countless individuals in the ongoing fight for compassionate and effective approaches to addiction treatment and drug policy.

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Meet the Authors

Healing Mind, Body, & Soul: Recovering from the Trauma of Addiction

Introducing the inspiring authors behind our transformative "Healing Mind, Body, and Soul: Recovering from the Trauma of Addiction" compilation book. Their courageous stories of recovery and resilience illuminate the path to healing. Each author brings a unique perspective and journey, united in their commitment to inspire hope and foster understanding.

Meet the Editors

The Healing Mind, Body, & Soul: Recovering from the Trauma of Addiction compilation book is made possible by our wonderful team of editors.

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